Figure: 25 TAC §289.229(l)
Name of Record Rule Cross-Reference Time Interval Required for
Record Keeping
Accelerators used for research and development and Industrial Operations
(A) Initial surveys (f)(2)(C)(iii) Until termination of registration
(B) Tests and repairs (f)(3)(A)(x) 5 years
(C) Calibration, surveys (f)(3)(F) 5 years
(D) Contamination smear for units
operating greater than 10 MeV
(f)(3)(G) Until termination of registration
(E) Receipt, transfers, and disposal (f) (3)(H) Until termination of registration
(F) Training for operators (f)(4)(B) Until 2 years after the individual
terminates employment
Therapeutic radiation machines, simulators, and electronic brachytherapy devices
(G) Credentials of operators (h)(1)(C) Until 2 years after the
individuals leave the facility
Electronic brachytherapy
device operators
(h)(i)(E)(iii) Until 2 years after the
individuals leave the facility
(H) Review of quality
assurance program
(h)(1)(F)(vii) 5 years
(I) FDA Variances (h)(1)(H) Until transfer of machine or
termination of registration
(J) Initial Surveys    
Therapy (below 1 MeV) (h)(2)(D)(i)(II) Until termination of registration
Therapy (1 MeV) and above (h)(3)(C)(i)(III) Until termination of registration
Electronic brachytherapy device (k)(2)(A)(ii) Until termination of registration
(K) Calibration    
Therapy (below 1 MeV) (h)(2)(D)(i)(II) 5 years
Therapy (1 MeV and above) (h)(3)(C)(ii)(VI) 5 years
Electronic brachytherapy device (k)(2)(B)(vi) 5 years
(L) Contamination Smears for units
operating greater than 10 MeV
(h)(1)(I) Until termination of registration
(M) Spot checks and corrective actions    
Therapy (below 1 MeV) (h)(2)(D)(iii)(VI) 5 years after the spot checks
Therapy (1 MeV and above) (h)(3)(C)(iii)(VII) 5 years after the spot checks
Electronic brachytherapy device (k)(2)(C)(v) 5 years after the spot checks
(N) Leakage measurements    
Therapy (1 MeV and above) (h)(3)(A)(i) 5 years
(O) Protective devices
for simulators
(h)(4)(A)(iii)(II) 3 years
(P) Film processing records for
and (ix)
3 years
(Q) Digital imaging
acquisition systems
(h)(4)(A)(x) 3 years
(R) CT dose measurements (h)(4)(D)(iii)(III) 5 years
(S) CT films resulting
from quality control tests
(h)(4)(D)(iv)(II) 1 year or until a new phantom
image is performed
(T) Record of device-specific training
for electronic brachytherapy-devices
(h)(1)(E)(iii) Until 2 years after the individual
leaves the facility